"Randall Rocker" with GF Seal-A-Cell & Arm-R-Sea;

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"I am very pleased to share with you all The Randall Rocker! The chair is made up of solid and bent wood laminations more than 170 pieces in all. For those who don't know, bent laminations are thinly sliced strips of wood. By making them thin they become pliable. They are then placed in a form with glue between layers and left overnight. Once cured the pieces are stronger than the original wood and very sturdy." - Fedor Woods   The Randall Rocker has been finished with General Finishes Seal-A-Cell and Arm-R-Seal Satin Topcoat.   Seal-A-Cell is an unusual combination of oils, urethanes and waxes, and has served craftsman as the best way to get that "natural" look on beautiful woods that aren't to be stained. The oils penetrate deep within the wood to highlight the warm natural look and the urethane ensures a deep hardness. Topping with multiple coats of Arm-R-Seal topcoat increases durability .Seal-a-Cell has a very slight ambering quality but is the least ambering of GF's oil based sealers.  
Designed By: 
Fedor Woods
Post Date
June 5, 2017